Jenna Miller, M.S.

photo of jenna miller

Degree: M.S.
Program: Food Science & Technology
Years in the lab: 2018-2020
Dissertation title: Discovering potential urinary biomarkers of tomato consumption using untargeted metabolomics

What has Jenna been doing since she left the lab: After she completed her M.S., Jenna took a position as a Beverages Discovery and Applications Scientist at PepsiCo Innovations in Barrington, IL.

Fenstemaker S, Miller J, Cooperstone JL, Francis DM. Estimating parental contributions to hybrid rootstocks in grafted tomato. Acta Horticulturae, 2021;1302:241-250.

Mukherjee D, DiVincenzo M, Torok M, Choueiry F, Kumar R, Deems A, Miller JL, Hinton A, Geraghty C, Maranon JA, Kulp SK, Coss C, Carson III WE, Hart PA, Cooperstone JL, Mace TA. Soy-tomato enriched diet reduces inflammation and disease severity in a pre-clinical model of chronic pancreatitis. Sci Rep, 2020;10:21824.

Background: B.S. Food Science, Purdue University
Hometown: Westchester, OH
contact: miller dot 7535 at osu dot edu